I can’t believe how awesome our weekends are. I know that’s basic and simple, but it’s simply true. By the time I get home from work, Ian has had a long, mis-adventurous day of playing in sand and/or woodchips at the park, throwing bouncy balls around the house and yelling when getting his diaper changed. He’s quite worn out for the 90 minutes a day I get with him during the week. Saturdays rule because I grab him in the morning and foggily drink coffee on the couch while he does laps between the kitchen door and the front door. I’m not joking; he literally runs laps. He’ll go back and forth without stopping, often laughing most of the way. I may then lay down on the ground and let him attack me. (This is unique way I’ve found of interacting with him AND laying on the ground like a slab of beef. I CAN have my cake and eat it too).
We later (all 3 of us, I don’t mean to exclude my awesome wife) walk the long way to the park. I can’t remember the name of the park. It’s in the County Club area. We often come across nice, well-bred, well-grammared parents ask us if we live in the area. We always say “yes”. They’ll then ask where. We give a vague answer, “oh, a mile or so away”, hiding the fact that we live on the OTHER side of NW Radial, which is a bit more…economically diverse. I would tell them that, but I don’t want them to spew their Cherry Mochas in my face and run off with their children. Besides, Ian likes rich kids.
The point is, Saturdays are awesome because I get to see the spectrum of Ian’s personality, not just his end-of-the-day, eary-evening tiredness. I also get to see him longer, which is obviously nice. I can’t think of a clever way to round out this post and finish it up, so I’ll just stop now. Thank you.
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