Monday, April 26, 2010


This is one of my favorite pictures from early last year, not long after we moved into our current house. I always tease Sarah and say that Ian has a flop in this one. Seriously, it looks like he has a little baby comb-over. We have thousands (I'm not kidding, literally about 5000) pictures of Ian. Ian with us. Ian walking. Ian spewing food. You name it, we got it. It's fun to go through older pictures like this and see how much he has grown, and remember how different things were when he was even littler. (Plus, my wife looks pretty hot in this.) I see my little boy in this baby, and it's really sweet. Even though I'm tired and am enjoying my night with Sarah, getting much needed couple time, I miss him. I can't wait wait to hear the chorus of emphatic HI!!! HI!!!  tomorrow morning.  I  usually get another one when I get home from work. If I'm lucky, I even get a little dance of joy along with the HI!!'s. Seriously, are older kids that happy to see their parents, or are we old news by that point? I think we will be, so I'm going to enjoy this now with every fiber of my being.

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