Ian and I had another morning out yesterday. I couldn't believe that it had already been a month since the last time. Sarah and I have often discussed how we'd each like to get one-on-one time with our kids as they get older. Obviously, she gets that time with Ian quite often, so my time is a lot more "planned". It's amazing to me how Ian is hitting that age where he realizes that this is a special, out-of-the-routine time. I got him out of bed after he woke and up and got him dressed and put his shoes on. He knew we were going, and was so excited that he had to run at me and give me an impromptu hug. He knows what's going on, and I can't let these times slide to once every one or two months. We had so much fun. The first stop was the "big breakfast" with chocolate milk at Mcdonalds...
He was the usual social ball of energy, running around and yelling "HI!!". Yet he relaxed in the booth with me and said "bye!" to the cars as they passed. It was awesome. Next up, we went back to Crosskey park out by the apartment Sarah and I used to live at. Ian played on this stump a lot the last time we went, so I had to take him back. I've dubbed it his favorite stump...
Finally, we hit my mom's house so she could get some good Ian time in. He enjoyed checking out her garden (after we taught him not rip up plants). If you know my son, you know that he is extremely strong, not afraid of anything, is moving fast all the time AND loves flowers. It's such a sweet contrast that I find awesome. Here is a good one he found in the yard...
As expected, we both had a great time. It's nice to have one-on-one time and make it a habit, especially as he grows older and starts having autobiographical memories. I know it will speak value into his life and let him know that I love him and that he is worth spending time with.
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