Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ian & Steve.

Steve & Ian chillin' on the couch.
Steve & Ian diggin' in the sandturtle
This is Steve. Ian loves his soon-to-be uncle Steve. Steve came over a little while back and threw Ian around the living room and helped him initiate the first playtime in his sandbox/turtle as well. Ian is up to about 20 words right now, one of which is "STEEEEEVVVVTTTH", which means "Steve". Steve has been one of my best friends since 2003, and it is awesome that he is going to marry my wife's sister. Ian already loves him.

31, baby.

This post isn't quite about parenting, but whatever. I turned 31 on August 27th. I stopped taking birthdays off from work long ago, but I kind of wished that day that I would have taken off. (It was Friday, the weather was nice, you know...) Sarah had been a bit sore from entering the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and the last thing I expected her to do was make me a cake....but she did! I was so happy. We were going to go to dinner that night, which I knew of, so this was a nice surprise. I was so stoked. Yes, the cake collapsed. (due to the egg substitute). But I didn't care. We opted out of buying large gifts for each other when we first got married (except for 30th birthdays... :), which makes the seemingly little things like this much more meaningful. It would have been easier for her to go buy me something as a surprise, but this was so much sweeter (pun intended). This made my day. If you're reading this baby (which I think you're the only person that does!), I LOVE YOU!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Diggin' the Sandbox

Ian is digging the sandbox. (Pun intended). It is so nice to have a house with a yard and patio area where he can play. Honestly, that is the only reason I really care about having a house. I like that he and Isaac will be able to have fun, share life, grow up and create memories in it, especially the backyard. The sandbox is just the beginning. (I'm thinking snow...)